Monday, July 22, 2024

BToBM 2024 - Route Updates


Bicycle Tour of Black Mountain - 2024

Rolling into our 4th Edition: July 24th – 28th 2024

(Route Update)

Thursday July 25th – Curtis Creek, South Toe, Parkway

Route Statistics:

  • Distance: 31.3 miles (25 "off-road)
  • Estimated Duration: 3:30
  • Elevation Gain: 4,452

 Route Maps:  


    Friday July 26th – Maple Sally

    Route Statistics:

    • Distance: 32 miles (30 "off-road")
    • Estimated Duration: 3:05
    • Elevation Gain: 3,500 ft.

    Route Maps:  

    Saturday July 27th – Curtis Creek Route 80

    Route Statistics:

    • Distance: 35 miles (8 "off-road")
    • Estimated Duration: 2:45
    • Elevation Gain: 3,500 ft

    Route Maps:  

      Route Options:

      If you are going to Leadville, we refuel and re-do Thursday's ride for a 68 mile day!

       If you have had enough of Curtis Creek and want to do something different, we can head up to the Tennessee border and ride in the Pigion Valley

      Thursday, June 27, 2024

      Bicycle Tour of Black Mountain - 2024


      Bicycle Tour of Black Mountain - 2024

      Rolling into our 4th Edition: July 24th – 28th 2024

      Does it seem like just yesterday you were meandering through the beautiful mountains of North Carolina?  Do you remember all the laughs and tears too?  Well we are back at it again this July for our 4th edition of the Bicycle Tour of Black Mountain (BToBM™)



      Coming from the great state of Ohio, we anticipate Greg, Jason, Dave, and Russ.  You guys will want to chat to see about sharing a ride and carrying all the bikes.  It’s usually about a 7 ½ hour drive from the Dublin Area.  If you leave early, you can it in time for the newly added shake-out ride.  If you bring Jason’s reliable van, you may make it for Saturday’s ride.  If you plan ahead like Dave did last year, you can make it for Sundays.
      You'll want a road bike and then something with knobbies.  That could be a gravel or mountain bike.  We also will have access to Mario's gravel and mountain bike.

      Where are we meeting?

      Mario’s house with be the HQ again this year.  While Mario will not be able to join us due to a European Vacation, he has graciously agreed to let us use his house.  OK, maybe not “graciously” but he and his wife are out of town, and I have a key to his house. 
      • Mario: 47 Cheshire Drive, Black Mountain, NC 28711
      • C.T.: 17 Teresa Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711 

      What do you need to bring?

      We will be riding pavement and non-pavement again this year so everyone will need 1 road bike and 1 “off road” bike.  That could be a gravel bike or a mountain bike.  If you want to get creative, 1 bike with road wheels and off-road wheels would also suffice.  We will be getting off the pavement for most of the day Friday and our maybe our “bonus day” Sunday.   

      • Bike(s) – See above
      • Spare Tubes and/or tires
      • Jacket & Gloves – sometimes it gets a little cold or wet up high
      • Helmet, shoes, riding kit, water bottles, etc. (duh)
      • Bike tail light
      • Smiles
      • Spirit of Adventure

      Daily Schedule:

      I appreciate that you are all hard-working individuals that may need to get some work done or take a few meetings.  For those of you that need to get some work done, I’ve included start times and duration.  We have a bit of a drive on Thursday, but you should still have some time in the later afternoon.  Friday, we’ll get an earlier start so we can finish up around lunch.  All is predicated on weather as well so we may adjust due to rain forecast.  If it rains, we can take turns on the Zwift/Kickr!  Don't hold me to anything.

      Wednesday July 24th - Tour Check-in & Shake-Out Ride

      Hugs and handshakes.  Good to see my friends and thank you for making the trip.
      If you can make it in and be ready to roll by 4:30, we can do a little shake-out ride.  If you’d rather get straight to working on tomorrow’s hang-over, that’s fine too.  I just thought I’d put something on offer for those that really like to ride.  This easy little loop is my go-to for weekday rides from my house when I have just over an hour to get some time in the saddle. 

      Route Statistics:

      • Distance: 17.5
      • Estimated Duration: 1:20
      • Elevation Gain: 1,447

      Route Description:

      Start Time:  4:30pm

      Roll out from Black Mountain to the east for about 4 miles and hit the gentle gravel descent of Mill Creek for the next 4 miles.  Cruise slightly downhill along Mill Creek Road and take in some nice views of the stream.  At the bottom, we’ll make a right and start climbing back towards home on Point Lookout Trail (paved).  It makes no sense to me but some times we call it a road but it isn't paved, and then we have trails that are paved.  No cars on this stretch and it has a very steady climb back to the top.  From there, it is a little 4 mile downhill back into Black Mountain.  If you are sneaky, you could get the first sprint sign of the week.


      Route Maps:  

      Interesting Strava Segments:

      Dinner and Evening Plans

      Mexican!  We’ll wobble downtown to our local Cantina and Mexica Grill where we can sit along the meandering Flat Creek and start making excuses for the days ahead. 

      Thursday July 25th – Cradle of Forestry and Mount Pisgah

      Route Statistics:

      • Distance: 37.8
      • Estimated Duration: 2:35
      • Elevation Gain: 3,070 ft.

      Route Description:

      Start Time:  Bikes loaded and ready to go at 8:30. 

      The Hub is about an hour drive from Black Mountain.  If we are rolling by 10am, we should be done around 1:30.

      Way back at the first BToBM in 2020, we did the this climb from The Hub up to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Unlike 2020 when we slogged a loop west, we’ll head east up to the Pisgah Inn.  Along the way up to the Parkway, we will pass the “Cradle of Forestryin America” as well as the very nice Looking Glass Falls.  When you get to the Parkway, you can take in the view at the Cold Mountain Overlook.  Those that are Strava “Segment Hunters” will have to push on east to the Pisgah Inn.

      At the Pisgah Inn, we’ll regroup and take in the views.  There is a convenience store where we can grab a refreshment and let the scenery take center stage for a moment.  Maybe take a few minutes in a rocking chair to contemplate the wonderful creation before you.  Maybe take a few minutes to ask your friend what took them so long to get her.  Maybe take a few minutes to explain to your friends why you were so slow on that climb.

      After that is all done, we’ll scream back down to The Hub for some grub, suds, and some sorely needed cycling paraphernalia at their bike shop.  Souvenir cycling jersey anyone?


      Route Maps:  

      Interesting Strava Segments:

      • Hubb to Pisgah Inn – (No Stopping at the Cold Mountain Overlook!)
        • 18.32 miles
        • 2,833 feet elevation gain
        • 2.9% average grade

      Route Options:

      • Option “Want a little less”: If the travel and the route is a little much, you can turn back downhill at any time.
      • Option “Want a little more”: If you are looking for a little more climbing and time, we’ll roll downhill on the Blue Ridge Parkway to a Mount Pisgah Overlook (1.1) miles, then down to Mills River Valley Overlook (4 miles), Stoney Bald Overlook (6 Miles). Of course, we have to climb back up to the Pisgah Inn before starting the final descent.

      Dinner and Evening Plans

      We have a little drive back to Black Mountain so be sure to stock up on a few necessities for the long trip back.  For Dinner on Thursday, we’ll head downtown Black Mountain to The Railyard to sit in the sun and have a few beers.  They have a really nice smash burger too!

      Friday July 26th – Curtis Creek, South Toe, Parkway

      Route Statistics:

      • Distance: 31.3 miles
      • Estimated Duration: 3:30
      • Elevation Gain: 4,452

      Route Description:

      You all remember this little gem, right?  A grueling slog up an old gravel road and when you get to the top… nothing.  Well, this year, we are going to see what makes this climb worth it.  Strap up and hold on as we make a winding gravel descent over the north side of the BRP down into the Black Mountain Campground.  There we can grab some water and start winding along the scenic South Toe River as we slowly climb back up to the BRP.  The climbing isn't done yet though.  We still have 2 more miles of climbing through a few tunnels (bring a tail light) on the BRP.  We've stop at a few overlooks along the way and take in the Curtis Creek Valley.  All the climbing is done by mile 19 but we still have the gravel descent of Curtis Creek.  

      Over 23 miles of this route is unpaved.  I typically run a gravel bike but if you are packing a mountain bike and want to give it a whirl, I know a few people have done it.

       Route Maps:  


      Interesting Strava Segments:

      Route Options:

      • Options 1 – Turn back around at any time on Curtis Creek and go hold some barstools at Hillman
      • Option 2 – Don't want any more gravel after you get up Curtis Creek but still want to ride? At the top of Curtis Creek, you can head east on the BRP for a few miles.  Then you will want the the Route 80 descent and loop back through Marion. Roughly the same ride time but couple more miles with a little less elevation.  It is a really great route and one that I often do on a gravel bike. There's an ice cream shop and a Dollar General should you need a refreshment in Marion. Ride with GPS:


      Dinner and Evening Plans

      We’ll hit the Hillman Brewery in Old Fort for lunch.  I’m a big fan of their Corned Beef on Rye with an ESB to wash it down.  After we get back to home base and shower up, we'll hit Taco Boy.  They have a fine collection of gourmet tacos and a fine guacamole. 

      Saturday July 27th – Hickory Nut, Bat Cave, Old Fort

      Route Statistics:

      • Distance: 57
      • Estimated Duration: 4:15
      • Elevation Gain: 5,054

      Route Description:

      Some things in life are better left unchanged.  We’ve had this route on the tour each year.   We'll start with a the legendary Hwy 9 climb up over the Eastern Continental Divide and end with a try at the Point Lookout Climb

      In between, we climb up over Hickory Nut Gap and take a fun descent into Bat Cave.  This is a screamer of a descent Russ… From Bat Cave, we may sneak into Chimney Rock for a coffee and water refill if the mood strikes.  From Bat Cave we roll back towards Black Mountain but just as you think it might be over, we’ll head east for a little more miles and check in on the growing town of Old Fort.  There’s a new coffee shop there so if we don’t hit the one in Chimney Rock, we’ll definitely hit this one.  Heck, we may even do both.  We are on vacation after all.  Besides, who doesn’t love a few sweaty guys in cycling kits hanging around a coffee shop?



      We’ll end with a "leave it all out there" climb as you make your PR attempt at Point Lookout Trail Climb.  Don’t you dare stop at this beautiful spot or you’ll have no chance at my Strava PR.



      Route Maps:  

      Interesting Strava Segments:

      Route Options:

      Options - Around the 32-mile mark, we will turn off to head out to Old Fort.  If you've had enough for the day, you can stay on Hwy 9 and head right back into Black Mountain, cutting the ride short by about 12 miles and 1,000 feet of climbing but you still have to climb the 2 miles back over the HWY 9 hill!

      Dinner and Evening Plans:

      Maybe dinner at the Grange Butcher Bar or maybe Sushi.  Then again, I do like Pizza Hut.  No matter the grub, we’ll finish with our now standard evening of Texas Hold’em and shit talking.  Buy in is $50… I have to pay for my kids college somehow.


      Sunday July 28th – You brought those knobbies for a reason 

      What to do with an extra day in Black Mountain.  That all depends on your surface and time wants.  There is the BEAUTIFUL Maple Sally route which is 32 miles of gravel combined with 3,269 feet of climbing.  There is the little shake-out ride again.  We can head into some single track at Gateway Trails or the epic DuPont Forrest Trails. If you just want one more little morning spin before heading out, we can close with the opening day's shake-out route.

      Route Statistics:

      • Distance: TBD
      • Estimated Duration:TBD
      • Elevation Gain:TBD

      Route Maps:

      Dinner and Evening Plans:

      Mexican.  Always Mexican.


      Monday July 30th – Get back to real life




      Final Notes:

      • For any dangerous descents, use good judgement.  No one is getting a pro contract for fastest descent.  Also, the hospitals here are not good.
      • As always, when climbing, stay behind me.  This will prevent you from getting any of my PRs.  This year I mean it Dave.
      • Any Strava PRs taken from me could result in exclusion in future tours
      • That big black thing?  It’s a bear.



      Saturday, July 1, 2023

      Bicycle Tour of Black Mountain - 2023

      Dates: July 27th – 30th

      Who's ready for 4 wonderful days in the lovely little town of Black Mountain?  You are.


      Where are we meeting?

      Mario’s house with be the HQ this year.

      Mario: 47 Cheshire Drive, Black Mountain, NC 28711

      C.T.: 17 Teresa Way, Black Mountain, NC 28711

      Where am I going to Sleep?

      Mario has quite a few extra rooms and I have an extra bed.  We'll figure it out.  Also, there is the treehouse or Nemo’s Van.  He’s gotten much more respectful about reaching into your sleeping bag a night.



      Recommended Gear List:

      • Bikes - In working order (Nemo)
      • Spare Tubes and/or tires
      • Jacket & Gloves – sometimes it gets a little cold or wet up high
      • Helmet, shoes, riding kit, water bottles, etc. (duh)
      • Bike tail light
      • A good attitude
      Daily Start Time:

      Thursday and Friday, we will plan to be rolling at 10:15.  For those of you that need to get some work done, that will leave a few hours in the morning or the afternoon.  All is predicated on weather as well so we may adjust due to rain forecast.  Don't hold me to anything.


      Wednesday July 26th - Arrival and Tour Check-in

      It isn’t a short drive, but it isn’t too bad.  From the Columbus area, I prefer to drive the US 23 route.  It’s a little more stop-and-go but you avoid the mess of Cincinnati.  As you’ll have plenty of time to think along the route, I would suggest using it as  a time to plan some strategies for the following topics that are bound to come up:

      • Excuses for why you are so slow
      • Excuses for why you are so fat
      • Excuses for why you didn’t get to ride much this year
      • Comments for the person riding faster than you
      • Comments for the person riding slower than you
      • Plans to buy a new bike
      • Repairs you need to make on your bike 

      Wednesday evening we’ll meet up at Mario’s, figure out some dinner, and review the plan for the next few days.  This would be a good time to discuss some of the above topics as well.

      Thursday July 27th – Grey Rock Parkway, Sugar Hill, Old Fort

       Distance: 50 miles

      Estimated Duration: 3:56

      Elevation Gain: 4,855

      This is a really interesting little loop.  It starts with a climb out of Black Mountain.  This will be a good opportunity to set a bench mark on the segment Hwy 9 Climb from Old Lakey Gap as we will do it again on Saturday.  As we turn off HWY 9, we will take on one of the steepest (but short) climbs we'll face this week up Rock Creek Road Climb as we enter a gated community that never really developed.  This has a very fast descent after we pass through the gate.  The roads are superb but steep and twisty.  I've put it in the grass twice there so please use caution.  

      As we exit the gated community, the roads are are pretty quiet.  We'll hit a store in Sugar Hill for some snacks and water bottle refills before turning towards Old Fort.

      Leaving Old Fort, we'll climb one of my very frequented routes up Point Lookout Trail.  As with the Hwy 9 climb above, this would be another climb we'll be doing on Saturday.  Point Lookout Trail Climb is on my most frequented route.  I've probably climbed it 100+ times.  For those of you that have been down here before, you will remember it.  It is a closed bike path that offers a great overlook.  Don't spend too much time looking out though as that will impact your Strava segment time!


      Route Maps:  

      Interesting Strava Segments:

      Options 1 - You can cut this short by 5 miles and reduce the climb by a few hundred feet if you want after we come off the Grey Rock Descent by turning up Cedar Creek Road (

      Option 2 - Want to get just a little warmed up and test your mountain legs, here is a 36 mile / 3,000ft option

      Friday July 28th – Curtis Creek, Parkway, Route 80 (+ Pisgah Fun)

      Distance: 35

      Estimated Duration: 2:45

      Elevation Gain: 3,478

      Bring all your bikes!  The Grandfather Region of the Pisgah Forrest is my playground.  This is the region north of Old Fort and where the Forrest Service as well as the local community are building out some great new trails.  We will start with a climb up one of the most scenic "roads" in the area.  Curtis Creek Road is a mostly gravel road that climbs from Old Fort to the Blue Ridge Parkway so miles 2-9 are Gravel.  Don't worry too much about it, you can ride it on your road bike or you can borrow something with fatter tires.  See "options" below.  

      After the climb, we'll roll along the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway for a bit before a really fun descent into Marion.  From Marion, we'll have a few rollers to get back to our vehicles.  Then the fun begins.

      Maybe start with a cool down in Curtis Creek, maybe grab a mountain bike to explore some of the new G5 Trail System, maybe both and then head over to the local brewery (Hillman) for a little snack and refreshment.


      Route Maps:  

      Interesting Strava Segments:
      Options - First, as noted above, their is some gravel in the first 10 miles.  I've climbed it on a road bike and we will have Gravel Bikes for Dave and Russ if they would like to do that.  Alternatively, you could just start up on the Parkway or even ride a mountain bike up and we could stash your road bike at the parkway for a switch.

      Saturday July 29th – Hickory Nut, Bat Cave, Old Fort

      Distance: 57

      Estimated Duration: 4:15

      Elevation Gain: 5,054

      Our last day will offer you the most miles and climbing!  If you were here a few years back this will be a repeat but it is so lovely, it made the remix.  We'll start with a second opportunity at the Hwy 9 climb and end with a final try at the Point Lookout Climb.  In between, we climb up over Hickory Nut Gap and take a really fun descent into Bat Cave.  From Bat Cave, we may sneak into Chimney Rock for a coffee and water refill if the mood strikes.  From Bat Cave we roll back towards Black Mountain but head east for a little more miles and a last look at Old Fort.  As noted above, we will then "leave it all out there" as you make your PR attempt at Point Lookout Trail Climb.



      Route Maps:  Interesting Strava Segments:
      Options - Around the 32 mile mark, we will turn off to head out to Old Fort.  If you've had enough for the day, you can stay on Hwy 9 and head right back into Black Mountain cutting the ride short by about 12 miles and 1,000 feet of climbing but you still have to climb the 2 miles back over the the HWY 9 hill!
      Sunday July 30th - You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.
      If anyone is up for a some riding on Sunday morning, we can do a little mountain bike ride.  I have a great little hour loop from my house that is mostly chill.  After that, hug your buds and get on down the road.

      Final Notes:

      • For any dangerous descents, use good judgement.  No one is getting a pro contract for fastest descent
      • When climbing, stay behind me.  This will prevent you from getting any of my PRs
      • Any Strava PRs taken from me could result in exclusion in future tours
      • If there is any doubt what to eat, we'll have Mexican