Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Training

Last week was a disaster for training. After flying in from Denver on Monday night, I turned around and flew to Green Bay on Tuesday morning. I figured if I got back in town on Wednesday night, I could still ride Thursday. Unfortunately, I got stuck in Green Bay. Something to do with storms in Chicago. Anyway, one more lost training day.

The holiday weekend brought warm weather and a long riding! Saturday was great, no wind, hot, and sunny. MD and I took off from my place for my favorite ride. 77 miles from my place to Bellefontaine (and back). We rolled pretty well considering this was the longest ride on the TT bike this year. We hit the Milford Center sign in 1:10. Two weeks ago I rolled there in 1:12 so maybe I gained a little fitness in Moab. Round Trip it was 4:14. MD made me run after the ride. I didn't want to do it but what can I say...I'm easily influenced. It was freaking hot. Like 88 and humid. The entire run I swore I would be giving up the sport of Triathlon. I like to swim, bike, and run but...I don't like to run after I ride.

Saturday night was J-Fo's Bachelor Party. We all ate very well at Hyde park Grill. Nemo put down a 17oz steak! We wrecked a seafood platter and MD even splurged and had real meat. Good times but the hot weather, big meal, and a few too many beers did not help the recovery from the long day in the saddle. Sunday was worthless.

Monday I got out for a few hours on the bike and then a late run with Nemo. Apparently the 13 mile run he did in the morning wasn't enough, so he went 4 more with me in the afternoon. He just can't say 'no' to a run.

Just for fun, a couple Moab Utah pics...

Picture Frame Arch

Balance Rock

Bombing Down Hill at Slick Rock

Interesting memorial... I love the quote"Turn it up as loud as you want"

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