Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stringing a few good days together

It's been a good week. I hit 46 miles of running, almost 100 cycling and even found my way into the pool a couple times.

Monday, July 5th MD and I put in an easy paced 15 mile run in the heat an humidity. We ran about 2:08. As the earlier post mentioned we got some mountain bike riding in as well.

Tuesday I hit the pool and got some time on the TT bike. 1 hour hard effort.

Wednesday MD, Nemo, GS and I hit up Highbanks just after sunrise. MD and Nemo were a little peppy and dropped us on the second loop. Not sure what they were in such a hurry about. Few laps in the pool at lunch and couple hours easy effort on the TT bike in the evening.

Thursday was track time. I haven't done 800s in a while so Nemo and I did 2x(3x800). I was very pleased with the times. Not record shattering but good enough for now.
2 mile warm up
6 x 800 (2:57, 2:57, 2:53, 2:53, 2:55, 2:52) 200 recovery
2 mile cool down
I was able to put another hour on the TT in the evening.

Friday was rest day but I did get a few laps at the pool.

Saturday's plan was a long run with 10 at effort. GS was the only one in town so he met me a couple miles into the run. I did 3 miles at easy pace to warm up and picked up GS a bit before the 2nd mile. We slowly increased the pace for the next 10 miles. I came through 13 miles at 1:38 and then took 2 easy miles back home. I think 1:35 at Steelhead could be tough but who knows...

Sunday I took an easy 40 mile ride...slow pace.

157 lbs

Tour de France Spoiler...

I'm sad to see LA today. He gave me great inpiration and entertainment for the last few years. Part of me thought that he could do it one more time. In a way, the troubles this year just show how prepared and maybe lucky he had been for so long. We'll never see another champion like him. I hope the big Texan will still give 'em hell the next couple.

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