Thursday, July 15, 2010

3 Weeks to Steelhead

Starting to feel tired at every workout so it must be getting close to race time. I finally made it back to masters swimming on Monday. 2400 went by pretty well considering my absences. I ran 4 miles in the late afternoon heat to get a little used to it. 3 miles easy, 1 mile hard.

Slim turnouts this week with some traveling by the other guys for a change. MD is trying to conquer the consulting world and Nemo is in Maryland on a family vacation. GS was around this week but he is going to the Mecca over the weekend for a wedding. Say 'Hi' to Pre if you see him.

Tuesday was a good 8 miler with GS. Wendy's run and up the Emerald Parkway hill. Slower turnover but good considering the weekend effort and no rest day in a while. Wednesday morning was 5.5 miles at Highbanks with GS and Nance. It was nice to run at a conversational pace. That of course was because Nemo and MD were absent. I think those two are racing each other every time they get together. Their form is good. I wrapped up Wednesday with a hard one hour interval on the TT bike.

Thursday started with a master's swim workout of about 2200. Once again, it wasn't too bad. I won't set any records at Steelhead but I think I can swim in the mid to upper 30s. After the swim, I met Nance at the Worthington Track. It was hot and humid. GS is taking a a week off the track to recover and to work on his drinking so it was just the two of us. Here Chris is showing off his slim physique. Don't go drooling ladies, he is married to J-Fo's sister. Nance put a beating on my in the first 2 mile repeats running in just under 6:00. He backed scaled back the last 2 repeats to make sure he didn't get hurt. Last time he went to the track he got some knee swelling. I think that happens when you get a little aggressive after a long track absence. I was consistently in the 6:15 to 6:30 range. Not too bad but nothing near last fall's form. As usual, biking and swimming are slowing me down a bit.

This weekend will be the last of the longer stuff until after Steelhead. Almost Taper Time...

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