Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quick Catch Up

Lots of running and tons of other cool stuff. Couple two-a-days and some hard tempo stuff this week. Wednesday was easy running, light in the morning, light at lunch. Thursday morning was nice and easy as well. Nemo didn't make us run hard since he had a belly ache and MD was in New ChiBosterville, DC.

The guys handed me a whooping on Saturday. I was committed to running easy on Saturday and even let the guys run away from me. I opted to kick it back up for the last 4 miles to see if I could catch them. They decided to drop a few sub 7s to make sure that didn't happen. They were grinning like athe cat that ate the canary when I got to the parking lot. SUNDAY, NOT SATURDAY, WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE TEMPO DAY!

GS was out of town on Sunday but Nemo and MD both brought good legs back on Sunday. 3 miles easy and then 6 miles hard at Marathon Tempo (6:47, 6:55, 6:41, 6:44, 6:39, 6:29). 1 mile cool down.

So here is the quick stats. I can't believe it is Tuesday morning already but I have to get tot he track now. 10x800 ain't no joke.

Wed, Sep 8 (morning) Muirfield 3.37 mile run
Wed, Sep 8 (lunch) Northmoor Park North towards Antrim 4.71 mile run
Thu, Sep 9 Wilson Bridge to Henderson 10 mile run
Fri, Sep 10 (morning) Highbanks Wooded Loop and Bottom Loop 7.22
Fri, Sep 10 (lunch) Sharon Woods Trail - 2 Loops 6 mile run
Sat, Sep 11 Antrim to Lane Running 12.33 mile run
Sun, Sep 12 Wilson Bridge to Henderson - Tempo 10 mile run
Mon, Sep 13 Rest day - warm up and stretching

160 lbs
Beard- Freshly trimmed
62 miles for the second week in a row and I'm not feeling too bad.

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