Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Random High 5 and an Ass Whooping

Long Run Saturday with MD, Nance, and his buddy Mitch. I got in late from Chicago on Friday night so I wasn't feeling real fresh. It could have been the long week of running or maybe too many airport beers. Either way, it was warm and we were starting late. First 6 miles was good in the 7:45 - 8:00 range. We also got a random High-5 offer some some girl running at us. We had no idea who it was so it must have been a mistake in identity. It was funny though. Despite some water and caffeine gel, I fell off pace on the way back and got beat down by MD and Nance. I was tired the rest of day.

Sunday I bounced back for a good ride. I went solo up to Corkscrew hill in Belefountaine but since I was riding alone, I lost the joy of giving a beat down. I ran across the TRI'ing to be FIT and some other riders at the stop in Milford Center but they were not looking to ride with me. They were more on a causal tempo.

Monday's rest day turned into a leg training day in the gym and that caused a bad run this morning. One of these days, I'll get the hang of "rest day"

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