Monday, July 26, 2010

One more time trial test

Easy run in on Sunday morning. GS was nice enough to keep me company. Once the morning rains passed, I decided to do one more good hard ride in preparation for Steelhead next Saturday.

My benchmark for "Home to Milford Center" has been getting increasingly lower. From my front door to the Milford Center city limit sign is about 22 miles. My time in May was 1:11. I tested again after Bicycle Tour of Colorado and it went to 1:08. Sunday afternoon I set a new season best of 1:05:13 even with a headwind. I rolled into the gas station, grabbed a Gatorade and headed back home. With the tailwind, I was even quicker. 44 miles with an average of 18.9 mph. Not near fast enough for a 2:30 bike split and I will probably miss 2:40 as well but at least I'm peaking at the right time.

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