Friday, August 20, 2010

So hard to catch up

It is tough for you (and me) when I update this every 10 days. Sometimes I think a lot has happened and then I think that nothing has. Hang with me on this update. If you don't like hearing about running Fast Forward to the end.

Last Saturday, I tried an 18 miler. It was not good for me. It could have been a lack of sleep or maybe it was heat but I fell apart at 14 miles. Nance, GS, and I ran real even 7:50s to start. GS had a shorter workout planned but Nance and I picked it up and at mile 14 I started to suffer. I even tried to go Lincoln Hawk and flip my hat backwards but it didn't work. Since Nance, started at 161 and I was at Wilson Bridge, I took a ride home. Disappointing day.

Sunday was J-Fo's Group Ride. This two hour event is quickly turning into the most entertaining couple hours of my weekend. We combine veteran cyclist with extremely sarcastic individuals. All are welcome but you have to be thick skinned and quick witted.

The middle of the week was bagels from Tim Horton's and Running. Here is a quick recap. To be honest, this is for my records. I know you don't care when or what I'm running.
Sunday - 6 hours evening drive to Buffalo .81 min/mile
Monday - Sleep in, 3 EZ, in the office way too late
Tuesday - 5 easy in the morning, 4 at hard on the treadmill in the evening. My shoe shopping fitish kicked in. I'll let you know what I think of these after a few weeks.

Wednesday - Intervals on the treadmill 4 x 800 at 6:00 iin/mile with 400 recovery, 5 miles total
Thursday - 3 easy in the morning; 4 x 800 at 6:00 min/mile with 400 recovery in the evening, 7 miles total
Friday - 9 miles at Highbanks in the morning with Nemo, 6 miles at Sharon Woods at lunch with GS

Saturday's long run had me a little nervous. I can't tell you the last time I was nervous for a training long run but my mind was unsettled. I had a tough run last week and I had a bunch of miles this week so I thought it could be rough. I ended up running it solo so I took it nice and slow. I averaged about 8:29. The pace will need to come up soon but good to finish. I ran into MD about 12 miles into my run. He got in late from Houston or something. He loves being back to work.

Sunday brought me back to J-Fo's group ride. As the popularity continues to grow, we are getting some fresh faces. I was hoping for a Goodfriend to show but that seemed to be too much. We did get a special guest rider, Mr. Braley. I hadn't ridden with him before but he held on well for the entire ride and provided much entertainment. He was on my Airborne and I was sure he would fall since this was one of his first times in clippless pedals but he kept the rubber side down and the fleshy side up.

If you look real close, you may see the dreaded chainring tattoo on Mr. Braley's right calf. This was just before a deranged black cat came charging off a porch at me.

Sunday wrapped with a 6 miler from Wendy's. I made the mistake of goading Nemo into racing me and he whipped my butt. I pushed a hard tempo for 4 miles, dropping MD, but then fell apart. Nemo dropped me and then MD regained composure to pull Nemo back in. I don't know how they finished because they were both very far out of site. Don't poke a bear with a stick....

160 lbs
63 miles this week and no injury. I like that.
Beard day 10, coming in nicely....

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