Monday, September 6, 2010

Saturday Long Run

I banged out 4 junk miles on Friday just to check it off my list. My eyes were already set on Saturday's Long Run.

It was MD, 2/3rd, and me from Hill's Market Satueday morning. The end of summer is almost here and the cooler weather was welcoming as we started south. We picked up GS on the way for an out and back to Lane Avenue. The highlight of the southbound run was MD running into a bush and getting a cut under his right eye. I'm not sure if the bush jumped into the trail or MD got a little off course but he was a bloody mess. Apparently, when you are on blood boosters and testosterone the blood doesn't clot and just runs down your face. Evey few minutes he had a streak of blood down his cheek and his white shirt collar slowly turned crimson. Other runners coming at us were even noticing. But MD is a hard ass and just kept on running. I wish I was carrying my camera; dude was looking wrecked.

As usual, the pace picked up after the turn around. MD set a hard 6:30 for 4 miles and nobody wanted to stay with him. 2/3rd, GS, and I help a high 6:50 low 7:00 pace but didn't have the appetite for what MD was serving. I got some good splits from my Garmin. 2/3rds and I cought back on to MD for the final 4 miles but only because he let us. Apparently a bad track day and tempo day makes MD grumpy and he took it out on us.

1 9:23
2 8:22
3 8:20
4 8:13
5 7:54
6 8:32
7 7:44
8 7:51
9 7:35
10 7:51 (.75 miles water stop)
11 8:00
12 7:32
13 6:59
14 7:06
15 7:07
16 7:09
17 7:18
18 6:57
19 7:06
20 7:34 (.6 last split)

I was happy with the workout. It is good to know I could go that far. Ideally, I'd have stayed with MD for a few miles and worked on marathon tempo (6:48) but we had some good quick miles.

Sunday, I banged out 8 more junk miles to check it off my list. Monday was a rest day so I went up to Alumn Creek for a slow easy mountain bike ride. The goal was no wrecks and no cuts. It was a successful outing.

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